Thursday, April 18, 2013

FMF: Here

Five Minute Friday: One word prompt; Five minutes of uninterrupted, unfiltered writing.  However, I never time myself.  Why censor what is from the heart?

I'm almost a week late, but here's "HERE".

As soon as I saw the prompt for this week, I thought of this scripture.

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." ~Matthew 6:34

In times like these, when the world crashes down around you, it's so easy to become anxious about what it to come.  What do I do next?  What's going to happen now?  Will I even be able to do this?

The worry becomes completely consuming, and you forget where you are.  How can you survive "now" if you are so consumed with the future?  And how can you ever find enjoyment even those fleeting moments if you aren't in the "now"?

When I become shrouded with sorrow, anxiety, resentment, weakness...I pray.  God has this in his hands.  It's time for me to be here in the now.  Not worrying about the past or wondering about the future.  I have faith that God will help me with that.

So I am here.  Right now.  Listening to my son read a book out loud and hearing the rain pitter patter against my window.  Dishes, court proceedings, can wait until it's time for that.  Right now, I am here.

Five Minute Friday


  1. So hard to be in the here sometimes! But here is what we have and it can be a great here.=)


Remember to speak with love...