Thursday, May 2, 2013

Do not be anxious about anything...

My stomach did one of those flip flop things today.  Where you feel like the weight of the world is on you and some impending doom is coming your way.  You know what I'm talking you, the kind of moment where you immediately have to poop.(Admit it, you know what I'm talking about.)

The last several times I have had this feeling in the last two months, something bad did happen.  Am I psychic?  Or was I just feeling the devil laughing as he caught me in a weak moment and knew he had gotten to me...

Whatever it is, I hate that feeling.  Of course, I usually end up teary eyed and expect the hammer to drop at anytime (after I poop, that is).  This will take all the enjoyment out of any day.  Even if something bad doesn't happen, I sit there waiting for it and feeling like crap all day (no pun intended).

Today, when it hit me, first I pooped, but then I went to Google.  "What does the Bible say about anxiety?"  As trusty as ever, Google gave me a plethora of examples where God says in the Bible that worrying about something is not necessary for it's in His hands.  

When I find a scripture that fits my moment, I will usually read it out loud to myself, then more times than not, I will share it on Facebook.  I feel like if I needed it at that moment, someone else probably needs to hear it too.  I shared this one:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. --Philippians 4:6-7
I was right.  At least one person did need to hear it because she thanked me for posting it.

My tummy trouble went away quickly after I posted the scripture.  I also dove into the word a little deeper and read another devotional (the 7th one I read today), and then I went online to find a church sermon I could watch.  I've said it before and I know I will say it again, but as soon as I let time be idle the devil gets into my head and makes for a very unpleasant feeling.  So it was essential that while I was waiting until I had an appointment this afternoon, I needed to occupy that time with God.

My appointment was with a Pastor from our church.  Our head pastor I can't talk to right now.  He said it himself, "I'm too close to the situation to be able to counsel you."  So I went to his dad instead.  I love the depth of his knowledge of the Bible and his wife is one of the best prayer warriors I have ever met.  They welcomed me into their home to let me talk and to give me spiritual guidance during this difficult time.  Thank you, God, for giving them to me!

Then as I was leaving their home, I turned on my car and on the radio I heard, "Philippians 4:6-7.  Do not be anxious about anything...."  God really wanted me to get that point today.

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