Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Yesterday a friend of mine posted on Facebook about how Mondays ruin her weekends.  I heard on Family Life Radio a couple of weeks ago how they share blessings on Mondays to show that there is no reason to hate them so much.  So I commented on her status with something along those lines.  As a Christian woman, I kind of expected her to be all, "That's a good idea..." then share some blessings.  Not so much.  Too bad, her loss for not wanting to look on the bright side.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. --Philippians 4:8
God flat out says it in Philippians 4:8--positivity NOT negativity!  He doesn't say, "Think about the crappiest thing that's happening right now and then ruminate on how it is going to ruin your day.  Actually, it will probably ruin your week so go ahead and look all grumpy and spew negativity towards everyone you meet so their week sucks too."

Then He goes on to say:
...And the God of peace will be with you. --Philippians 4:9
So if I remember what is good, you will give me peace?  Thank you, Lord!

The other day I was feeling really down, so I posted on Facebook asking friends to share something that happened that day that was a blessing.  Many people participated with such experiences as simple as taking a shower without the kids barging in to getting kissed on the nose by their kiddo waking them up in the morning.  It was one of those posts that you knew everyone reading it was smiling.  And that warmed my heart.

I didn't dwell on the stuff that was happening that was hurting me so much.  Granted, as human as I am, that did come rushing back to me yesterday and I had a mini breakdown.  But in that moment, I learned to smile just by being positive.  If I can remember to look for the good in anything, then those smiles will come more frequently...and I will be at peace.

So what am I grateful for today:

  • It is absolutely beautiful outside today!  I sat outside for a half hour this morning just listening to the birds sing.
  • I got a hug this morning from someone I wasn't really expecting it from.  She knew I needed it though.  That meant a lot.
  • I ate cake for breakfast. (*guilty grin*)
  • My dog slept with me all night instead.  And not just at the foot of the bed, she was right against my body.  Something about that is just so loving.
  • I finished a devotional series last night that I really liked.  Actually, I read 5 days of the series last night because I felt I needed to get fed.  Plus, it was good stuff I needed to hear yesterday.
The day is not nearly over yet (it's not even noon yet).  There will be so much more to be thankful for by the end of the day!
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.--1 Thessalonians 5:18

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